Always use try-with-resources in preference to try-finally when working with resources that must be closed. The resulting code is shorter and clearer, and the exceptions that it generates are more useful. The try-with-resources statement makes it easy to write correct code using resources that must be closed, which was practically impossible using try-finally.
If you write a class that represents a resource that must be closed, your class should implement AutoCloseable too.
The Java libraries include many resources that must be closed manually by invoking a close method. Examples include InputStream, OutputStream, and java.sql.Connection. Closing resources is often overlooked by clients, with predictably dire performance consequences.
Throwing an exception from a constructor should be sufficient to prevent an object from coming into existence; in the presence of finalizers, it is not. Such attacks can have dire consequences. Final classes are immune to finalizer attacks because no one can write a malicious subclass of a final class. To protect nonfinal classes from finalizer attacks, write a final finalize method that does nothing.
Normally, an uncaught exception will terminate the thread and print a stack trace, but not if it occurs in a finalizer—it won’t even print a warning. Cleaners do not have this problem because a library using a cleaner has control over its thread.
Not only does the specification provide no guarantee that finalizers or cleaners will run promptly; it provides no guarantee that they’ll run at all. It is entirely possible, even likely, that a program terminates without running them on some objects that are no longer reachable. As a consequence, you should never depend on a finalizer or cleaner to update persistent state.
A third common source of memory leaks is listeners and other callbacks. If you implement an API where clients register callbacks but don’t deregister them explicitly, they will accumulate unless you take some action. One way to ensure that callbacks are garbage collected promptly is to store only weak references to them, for instance, by storing them only as keys in a WeakHashMap.
Generally speaking, whenever a class manages its own memory, the programmer should be alert for memory leaks. Whenever an element is freed, any object references contained in the element should be nulled out.
Nulling out object references should be the exception rather than the norm. The best way to eliminate an obsolete reference is to let the variable that contained the reference fall out of scope. This occurs naturally if you define each variable in the narrowest possible scope (Item 57).
Memory leaks in garbage-collected languages (more properly known as unintentional object retentions) are insidious. If an object reference is unintentionally retained, not only is that object excluded from garbage collection, but so too are any objects referenced by that object, and so on. Even if only a few object references are unintentionally retained, many, many objects may be prevented from being garbage collected, with potentially large effects on performance.
If a stack grows and then shrinks, the objects that were popped off the stack will not be garbage collected, even if the program using the stack has no more references to them. This is because the stack maintains obsolete references to these objects. An obsolete reference is simply a reference that will never be dereferenced again.
This item should not be misconstrued to imply that object creation is expensive and should be avoided. On the contrary, the creation and reclamation of small objects whose constructors do little explicit work is cheap, especially on modern JVM implementations. Creating additional objects to enhance the clarity, simplicity, or power of a program is generally a good thing.
Conversely, avoiding object creation by maintaining your own object pool is a bad idea unless the objects in the pool are extremely heavyweight. The classic example of an object that does justify an object pool is a database connection. The cost of establishing the connection is sufficiently high that it makes sense to reuse these objects. Generally speaking, however, maintaining your own object pools clutters your code, increases memory footprint, and harms performance. Modern JVM implementations have highly optimized garbage collectors that easily outperform such object pools on lightweight objects.
Another way to create unnecessary objects is autoboxing, which allows the programmer to mix primitive and boxed primitive types, boxing and unboxing automatically as needed. Autoboxing blurs but does not erase the distinction between primitive and boxed primitive types. There are subtle semantic distinctions and not-so-subtle performance differences (Item 61).
When an object is immutable, it is obvious it can be reused safely, but there are other situations where it is far less obvious, even counterintuitive. Consider the case of adapters [Gamma95], also known as views. An adapter is an object that delegates to a backing object, providing an alternative interface. Because an adapter has no state beyond that of its backing object, there’s no need to create more than one instance of a given adapter to a given object.
String s = "bikini";
This version uses a single String instance, rather than creating a new one each time it is executed. Furthermore, it is guaranteed that the object will be reused by any other code running in the same virtual machine that happens to contain the same string literal [JLS, 3.10.5].
Although dependency injection greatly improves flexibility and testability, it can clutter up large projects, which typically contain thousands of dependencies. This clutter can be all but eliminated by using a dependency injection framework, such as Dagger [Dagger], Guice [Guice], or Spring [Spring]. The use of these frameworks is beyond the scope of this book, but note that APIs designed for manual dependency injection are trivially adapted for use by these frameworks.
Dependency injection is equally applicable to constructors, static factories (Item 1), and builders (Item 2).
Static utility classes and singletons are inappropriate for classes whose behavior is parameterized by an underlying resource.
Occasionally you’ll want to write a class that is just a grouping of static methods and static fields. Such classes have acquired a bad reputation because some people abuse them to avoid thinking in terms of objects, but they do have valid uses. They can be used to group related methods on primitive values or arrays, in the manner of java.lang.Math or java.util.Arrays. They can also be used to group static methods, including factories (Item 1), for objects that implement some interface, in the manner of java.util.Collections. (As of Java 8, you can also put such methods in the interface, assuming it’s yours to modify.) Lastly, such classes can be used to group methods on a final class, since you can’t put them in a subclass.
Such utility classes were not designed to be instantiated: an instance would be nonsensical.
A third way to implement a singleton is to declare a single-element enum:
// Enum singleton - the preferred approach
public enum Elvis {
public void leaveTheBuilding() { ... }
This approach is similar to the public field approach, but it is more concise, provides the serialization machinery for free, and provides an ironclad guarantee against multiple instantiation, even in the face of sophisticated serialization or reflection attacks. This approach may feel a bit unnatural, but a single-element enum type is often the best way to implement a singleton. Note that you can’t use this approach if your singleton must extend a superclass other than Enum (though you can declare an enum to implement interfaces).
To make a singleton class that uses either of these approaches serializable (Chapter 12), it is not sufficient merely to add implements Serializable to its declaration. To maintain the singleton guarantee, declare all instance fields transient and provide a readResolve method (Item 89). Otherwise, each time a serialized instance is deserialized, a new instance will be created, leading, in the case of our example, to spurious Elvis sightings.
Making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test its clients because it’s impossible to substitute a mock implementation for a singleton unless it implements an interface that serves as its type.
The Builder pattern has disadvantages as well. In order to create an object, you must first create its builder. While the cost of creating this builder is unlikely to be noticeable in practice, it could be a problem in performance-critical situations. Also, the Builder pattern is more verbose than the telescoping constructor pattern, so it should be used only if there are enough parameters to make it worthwhile, say four or more.
The Builder pattern is quite flexible. A single builder can be used repeatedly to build multiple objects. The parameters of the builder can be tweaked between invocations of the build method to vary the objects that are created. A builder can fill in some fields automatically upon object creation, such as a serial number that increases each time an object is created.
To detect invalid parameters as soon as possible, check parameter validity in the builder’s constructor and methods. Check invariants involving multiple parameters in the constructor invoked by the build method. To ensure these invariants against attack, do the checks on object fields after copying parameters from the builder (Item 50). If a check fails, throw an IllegalArgumentException (Item 72) whose detail message indicates which parameters are invalid (Item 75).
The Builder pattern simulates named optional parameters as found in Python and Scala.
Instead of making the desired object directly, the client calls a constructor (or static factory) with all of the required parameters and gets a builder object. Then the client calls setter-like methods on the builder object to set each optional parameter of interest. Finally, the client calls a parameterless build method to generate the object, which is typically immutable. The builder is typically a static member class (Item 24) of the class it builds.
A related disadvantage is that the JavaBeans pattern precludes the possibility of making a class immutable (Item 17) and requires added effort on the part of the programmer to ensure thread safety.
[...] the JavaBeans pattern has serious disadvantages of its own. Because construction is split across multiple calls, a JavaBean may be in an inconsistent state partway through its construction.
A second shortcoming of static factory methods is that they are hard for programmers to find. They do not stand out in API documentation in the way that constructors do, so it can be difficult to figure out how to instantiate a class that provides static factory methods instead of constructors.
Arguably this can be a blessing in disguise because it encourages programmers to use composition instead of inheritance (Item 18), and is required for immutable types (Item 17).
The main limitation of providing only static factory methods is that classes without public or protected constructors cannot be subclassed.
Dependency injection frameworks (Item 5) can be viewed as powerful service providers. Since Java 6, the platform includes a general-purpose service provider framework, java.util.ServiceLoader, so you needn’t, and generally shouldn’t, write your own (Item 59).
In the case of JDBC, Connection plays the part of the service interface, DriverManager.registerDriver is the provider registration API, DriverManager.getConnection is the service access API, and Driver is the service provider interface.
A fifth advantage of static factories is that the class of the returned object need not exist when the class containing the method is written. Such flexible static factory methods form the basis of service provider frameworks, like the Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC). A service provider framework is a system in which providers implement a service, and the system makes the implementations available to clients, decoupling the clients from the implementations.
A fourth advantage of static factories is that the class of the returned object can vary from call to call as a function of the input parameters. Any subtype of the declared return type is permissible. The class of the returned object can also vary from release to release.
Nearly all of these implementations are exported via static factory methods in one noninstantiable class (java.util.Collections). The classes of the returned objects are all nonpublic.
The Collections Framework API is much smaller than it would have been had it exported forty-five separate public classes, one for each convenience implementation. It is not just the bulk of the API that is reduced but the conceptual weight: the number and difficulty of the concepts that programmers must master in order to use the API.
A second advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they are not required to create a new object each time they’re invoked. This allows immutable classes (Item 17) to use preconstructed instances, or to cache instances as they’re constructed, and dispense them repeatedly to avoid creating unnecessary duplicate objects.
One advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they have names. If the parameters to a constructor do not, in and of themselves, describe the object being returned, a static factory with a well-chosen name is easier to use and the resulting client code easier to read.
The language supports four kinds of types: interfaces (including annotations), classes (including enums), arrays, and primitives. The first three are known as reference types. Class instances and arrays are objects; primitive values are not. A class’s members consist of its fields, methods, member classes, and member interfaces. A method’s signature consists of its name and the types of its formal parameters; the signature does not include the method’s return type.
Learning the art of programming, like most other disciplines, consists of first learning the rules and then learning when to break them.
Most of the rules in this book derive from a few fundamental principles. Clarity and simplicity are of paramount importance. The user of a component should never be surprised by its behavior. Components should be as small as possible but no smaller. (As used in this book, the term component refers to any reusable software element, from an individual method to a complex framework consisting of multiple packages.) Code should be reused rather than copied. The dependencies between components should be kept to a minimum. Errors should be detected as soon as possible after they are made, ideally at compile time.